N. L. C. S. C. I.
New Life Christian Schools and Colleges International
NLCSCI is National and International
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of Teacher Certification? The purpose of the NLCSIAA certification program is to provide qualified Christian school educators with professional credentials. Applicants must have a college degree and should have or will be required to complete training in the biblical philosophy of education, formal Bible instruction, and appropriate teacher and/or administrator training.
How long are certificates valid? Certificates are renewable yearly.
If I have a current state teaching certificate, what does that mean in the NLCSIAA certification process?
A copy of your current state certificate will be accepted in lieu of
transcripts and indicates that you have met all the general and
professional education requirements for your NLCSIAA certificate.
Do I need to send all my transcripts to NLCSIAA if I do not have a current state teaching certificate?
Yes, a copy of your transcripts is required in order to evaluate your academic record and issue the appropriate certificate.
Are there certificates for the various grade levels and subject areas?
Yes, there are elementary and secondary certificates. Secondary
certificates include middle school and high school and are issued in a
specific subject area.
What are the education requirements? Also, can more than one subject be included on the same certificate?
A major field certificate is given with 20 semester hours the requested
certifcation area. If a teacher does not have the equivalent of 20
semester hours in the requested area of study, they are presented with
a Provisional Certificate until these are completed at which time they
will be presented with a full certificate. If a teacher is
applying for two endorsements in addition to their major field of
concentration, 10 semester hours in each is sufficient.
What certificates are available for teachers
who teach “specials” such as P.E. or who teach or administer at both
the elementary and secondary levels?
All-levels certificates are available in administration, Bible, music, art, computers, and physical education.
What if I work as a librarian, special education teacher, reading specialist, or guidance counselor?
Specialist certificates are available for each of these areas.
If I have a degree in Bible and Bible is my only assignment, can I qualify for an NLCSIAA certificate?
Yes, NLCSIAA does offer a Bible specialist certificate for those whose
training is in Bible and who do not have courses as a professional
What are the requirements for an administrator’s certificate?
Administrators can get an elementary, secondary, all-levels, or
superintendent’s certificate. Educational administration courses are
required for each of these